Please use the form below to contact me about any of your unaccompanied solo violin repertoire needs:
- recommendations of repertoire most suitable for yourself or your student to learn and perform
- suggestions for me to add to or feature on my listings or topics to address on my forthcoming blog
- hire me to perform or record any unaccompanied solo violin work – no project too small (e.g. short student demo) or too hard (I have been known to pull off “unplayable” violin writing to the amused chagrin of composition professors); I also help composers/arrangers make the violin piece/part more idiomatic and appealing to the intended performer(s), whether virtuoso or beginner
- compose or improvise solo violin music to accompany another medium or performing art form such as dance/theater/storytelling or installation/visual/virtual art – solo violinist can conveniently travel (unlike larger instruments) and roam (possibly dance/act) while playing, thus is ideal for live music under space/budget constraints as well as pandemic conditions (masking and physical distancing)